50 #ifndef AVCODEC_AC3DEC_H
51 #define AVCODEC_AC3DEC_H
63 #define AC3_OUTPUT_LFEON 8
65 #define SPX_MAX_BANDS 17
68 #define AC3_FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE 32768
INTFLOAT drc_scale
percentage of dynamic range compression to be applied
int dba_nsegs[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
number of delta segments
scaled exponents
int spx_in_use
spectral extension in use (spxinu)
uint8_t dba_offsets[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS][8]
delta segment offsets
int dither_flag[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
dither flags (dithflg)
masking curve values
int preferred_downmix
Preferred 2-channel downmix mode (dmixmod)
int channels
number of total channels
#define DECLARE_ALIGNED(n, t, v)
int spx_dst_end_freq
spx end frequency bin
int exp_strategy[AC3_MAX_BLOCKS][AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
exponent strategies (expstr)
int lfe_on
lfe channel in use
int block_switch[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
block switch flags (blksw)
int dba_syntax
delta bit allocation syntax enabled (dbaflde)
int preferred_stereo_downmix
int dialog_normalization[2]
dialog level in dBFS (dialnorm)
int spx_src_start_freq
spx start frequency bin
int heavy_compression
apply heavy compression
uint8_t cpl_band_sizes[AC3_MAX_CPL_BANDS]
number of coeffs in each coupling band
Large enough for maximum possible frame size when the specification limit is ignored.
int lfe_mix_level_exists
indicates if lfemixlevcod is specified (lfemixlevcode)
float ltrt_center_mix_level
int first_cpl_coords[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
first coupling coordinates states (firstcplcos)
spx noise blending factor (nblendfact)
int compression_gain[2]
gain to apply for heavy compression (compr)
static void ff_eac3_decode_transform_coeffs_aht_ch(AC3DecodeContext *s, int ch)
Decode mantissas in a single channel for the entire frame.
output after imdct transform and windowing
int num_rematrixing_bands
number of rematrixing bands (nrematbnd)
int fast_gain[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
fast gain values/SMR's (fgain)
float ltrt_surround_mix_level
coupling coordinates (cplco)
int num_exp_groups[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
Number of exponent groups (nexpgrp)
bitstream reader API header.
static int ff_eac3_parse_header(AC3DecodeContext *s)
Parse the E-AC-3 frame header.
delay - added to the next block
int bit_allocation_syntax
bit allocation model syntax enabled (bamode)
int phase_flags_in_use
phase flags in use (phsflginu)
int phase_flags[AC3_MAX_CPL_BANDS]
phase flags (phsflg)
int out_channels
number of output channels
int channel_map
custom channel map
int substreamid
substream identification
FFTContext imdct_256
for 256 sample IMDCT
int bit_rate
stream bit rate, in bits-per-second
int lfe_ch
index of LFE channel
uint8_t first_spx_coords[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
first spx coordinates states (firstspxcos)
AC3BitAllocParameters bit_alloc_params
bit allocation parameters
int dolby_surround_mode
dolby surround mode (dsurmod)
GetBitContext gbc
bitstream reader
maximum number of channels, including coupling channel
int dolby_headphone_mode
dolby headphone mode (dheadphonmod)
float loro_center_mix_level
int compression_exists[2]
compression field is valid for frame (compre)
int block_switch_syntax
block switch syntax enabled (blkswe)
int fast_gain_syntax
fast gain codes enabled (frmfgaincode)
interpolated exponents
uint8_t channel_uses_spx[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
channel uses spectral extension (chinspx)
INTFLOAT dynamic_range[2]
dynamic range
Required number of additionally allocated bytes at the end of the input bitstream for decoding...
temp buffer to prevent overread
int surround_mix_level_ltrt
Surround mix level index for Lt/Rt (ltrtsurmixlev)
float loro_surround_mix_level
int dither_flag_syntax
dither flag syntax enabled (dithflage)
int end_freq[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
end frequency bin (endmant)
INTFLOAT heavy_dynamic_range[2]
heavy dynamic range compression
uint8_t dba_values[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS][8]
delta values for each segment
FFTContext imdct_512
for 512 sample IMDCT
AVCodecContext * avctx
parent context
int channel_in_cpl[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
channel in coupling (chincpl)
int fbw_channels
number of full-bandwidth channels
int8_t spx_atten_code[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
spx attenuation code (spxattencod)
bit allocation pointers
main external API structure.
int num_cpl_bands
number of coupling bands (ncplbnd)
int num_spx_bands
number of spx bands (nspxbnds)
static void ff_eac3_apply_spectral_extension(AC3DecodeContext *s)
Apply spectral extension to each channel by copying lower frequency coefficients to higher frequency ...
float tmp_output[AC3_BLOCK_SIZE]
temporary storage for output before windowing
spx signal blending factor (sblendfact)
Describe the class of an AVClass context structure.
int bitstream_mode
bitstream mode (bsmod)
int center_mix_level_ltrt
Center mix level index for Lt/Rt (ltrtcmixlev)
int frame_type
frame type (strmtyp)
int eac3
indicates if current frame is E-AC-3
int channel_uses_aht[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
channel AHT in use (chahtinu)
uint8_t dba_lengths[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS][8]
delta segment lengths
int cpl_in_use[AC3_MAX_BLOCKS]
coupling in use (cplinu)
int firstchincpl
first channel in coupling
int dba_mode[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
delta bit allocation mode
int first_cpl_leak
first coupling leak state (firstcplleak)
int surround_mix_level
Surround mix level index.
int snr_offset[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
signal-to-noise ratio offsets (snroffst)
int downmixed
indicates if coeffs are currently downmixed
float window[AC3_BLOCK_SIZE]
window coefficients
SHORTFLOAT downmix_coeffs[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS][2]
stereo downmix coefficients
int num_blocks
number of audio blocks
FmtConvertContext fmt_conv
optimized conversion functions
float transform_coeffs[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS][AC3_MAX_COEFS]
transform coefficients
int target_level
target level in dBFS
pre-IDCT mantissas
int rematrixing_flags[4]
rematrixing flags (rematflg)
int fixed_coeffs[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS][AC3_MAX_COEFS]
fixed-point transform coefficients
uint8_t spx_band_sizes[SPX_MAX_BANDS]
number of bins in each spx band
int lfe_mix_level
LFE mix level index (lfemixlevcod)
int snr_offset_strategy
SNR offset strategy (snroffststr)
int start_freq[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS]
start frequency bin (strtmant)
int sample_rate
sample frequency, in Hz
int center_mix_level
Center mix level index.
int output_mode
output channel configuration
int frame_size
current frame size, in bytes
int dolby_surround_ex_mode
dolby surround ex mode (dsurexmod)
AVLFG dith_state
for dither generation
int cpl_strategy_exists[AC3_MAX_BLOCKS]
coupling strategy exists (cplstre)
int bitstream_id
bitstream id (bsid)
Common code between the AC-3 encoder and decoder.
int channel_mode
channel mode (acmod)
int spx_dst_start_freq
spx starting frequency bin for copying (copystartmant) the copy region ends at the start of the spx r...
int skip_syntax
skip field syntax enabled (skipflde)
decoded exponents