19 #ifndef AVCODEC_H264_SEI_H
20 #define AVCODEC_H264_SEI_H
int recovery_frame_cnt
pic_struct in picture timing SEI message
const char * ff_h264_sei_stereo_mode(const H264SEIFramePacking *h)
Get stereo_mode string from the h264 frame_packing_arrangement.
int frame_packing_arrangement_cancel_flag
is previous arrangement canceled, -1 if never received
H264SEIAlternativeTransfer alternative_transfer
H264SEIDisplayOrientation display_orientation
int frame_packing_arrangement_repetition_period
H264SEIGreenMetaData green_metadata
frame_packing_arrangement types
4: bottom field, top field, in that order
bitstream reader API header.
int frame_packing_arrangement_id
void ff_h264_sei_uninit(H264SEIContext *h)
Reset SEI values at the beginning of the frame.
buffering period (H.264, D.1.1)
int preferred_transfer_characteristics
int present
Buffering period SEI flag.
H264SEIUnregistered unregistered
uint8_t active_format_description
H264_SEI_PicStructType pic_struct
int ct_type
Bit set of clock types for fields/frames in picture timing SEI message.
int initial_cpb_removal_delay[32]
Initial timestamps for CPBs.
int cpb_removal_delay
cpb_removal_delay in picture timing SEI message, see H.264 C.1.2
SEI message types.
int quincunx_sampling_flag
H264_SEI_FpaType frame_packing_arrangement_type
5: top field, bottom field, top field repeated, in that order
H264SEIA53Caption a53_caption
int content_interpretation_type
H264SEIBufferingPeriod buffering_period
recovery point (frame # to decoder sync)
registered user data as specified by Rec. ITU-T T.35
H264SEIPictureTiming picture_timing
H264SEIRecoveryPoint recovery_point
3: top field, bottom field, in that order
int ff_h264_sei_decode(H264SEIContext *h, GetBitContext *gb, const struct H264ParamSets *ps, void *logctx)
int anticlockwise_rotation
int dpb_output_delay
dpb_output_delay in picture timing SEI message, see H.264 C.2.2
H264SEIFramePacking frame_packing
6: bottom field, top field, bottom field repeated, in that order
frame packing arrangement