62 const float *
int src_linesize,
63 float *dst,
int dst_linesize,
69 float **
int src_linesize,
75 #define DEFAULT_NBITS 3
77 #define OFFSET(x) offsetof(DCTdnoizContext, x)
92 int dst_stridea,
int dst_strideb,
93 int src_stridea,
int src_strideb)
97 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
98 const float x00 = src[0*src_stridea] + src[7*src_stridea];
99 const float x01 = src[1*src_stridea] + src[6*src_stridea];
100 const float x02 = src[2*src_stridea] + src[5*src_stridea];
101 const float x03 = src[3*src_stridea] + src[4*src_stridea];
102 const float x04 = src[0*src_stridea] - src[7*src_stridea];
103 const float x05 = src[1*src_stridea] - src[6*src_stridea];
104 const float x06 = src[2*src_stridea] - src[5*src_stridea];
105 const float x07 = src[3*src_stridea] - src[4*src_stridea];
106 const float x08 = x00 + x03;
107 const float x09 = x01 + x02;
108 const float x0a = x00 - x03;
109 const float x0b = x01 - x02;
110 const float x0c = 1.38703984532215f*x04 + 0.275899379282943f*x07;
111 const float x0d = 1.17587560241936f*x05 + 0.785694958387102f*x06;
112 const float x0e = -0.785694958387102f*x05 + 1.17587560241936f*x06;
113 const float x0f = 0.275899379282943f*x04 - 1.38703984532215f*x07;
114 const float x10 = 0.353553390593274f * (x0c - x0d);
115 const float x11 = 0.353553390593274f * (x0e - x0f);
116 dst[0*dst_stridea] = 0.353553390593274f * (x08 + x09);
117 dst[1*dst_stridea] = 0.353553390593274f * (x0c + x0d);
118 dst[2*dst_stridea] = 0.461939766255643f*x0a + 0.191341716182545f*x0b;
119 dst[3*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x10 - x11);
120 dst[4*dst_stridea] = 0.353553390593274f * (x08 - x09);
121 dst[5*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x10 + x11);
122 dst[6*dst_stridea] = 0.191341716182545f*x0a - 0.461939766255643f*x0b;
123 dst[7*dst_stridea] = 0.353553390593274f * (x0e + x0f);
130 int dst_stridea,
int dst_strideb,
131 int src_stridea,
int src_strideb,
136 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
137 const float x00 = 1.4142135623731f *src[0*src_stridea];
138 const float x01 = 1.38703984532215f *src[1*src_stridea] + 0.275899379282943f*src[7*src_stridea];
139 const float x02 = 1.30656296487638f *src[2*src_stridea] + 0.541196100146197f*src[6*src_stridea];
140 const float x03 = 1.17587560241936f *src[3*src_stridea] + 0.785694958387102f*src[5*src_stridea];
141 const float x04 = 1.4142135623731f *src[4*src_stridea];
142 const float x05 = -0.785694958387102f*src[3*src_stridea] + 1.17587560241936f*src[5*src_stridea];
143 const float x06 = 0.541196100146197f*src[2*src_stridea] - 1.30656296487638f*src[6*src_stridea];
144 const float x07 = -0.275899379282943f*src[1*src_stridea] + 1.38703984532215f*src[7*src_stridea];
145 const float x09 = x00 + x04;
146 const float x0a = x01 + x03;
147 const float x0b = 1.4142135623731f*x02;
148 const float x0c = x00 - x04;
149 const float x0d = x01 - x03;
150 const float x0e = 0.353553390593274f * (x09 - x0b);
151 const float x0f = 0.353553390593274f * (x0c + x0d);
152 const float x10 = 0.353553390593274f * (x0c - x0d);
153 const float x11 = 1.4142135623731f*x06;
154 const float x12 = x05 + x07;
155 const float x13 = x05 - x07;
156 const float x14 = 0.353553390593274f * (x11 + x12);
157 const float x15 = 0.353553390593274f * (x11 - x12);
158 const float x16 = 0.5f*x13;
159 dst[0*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 0*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.25f * (x09 + x0b) + 0.353553390593274f*x0a;
160 dst[1*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 1*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x0f + x15);
161 dst[2*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 2*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x0f - x15);
162 dst[3*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 3*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x0e + x16);
163 dst[4*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 4*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x0e - x16);
164 dst[5*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 5*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x10 - x14);
165 dst[6*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 6*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x10 + x14);
166 dst[7*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 7*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.25f * (x09 + x0b) - 0.353553390593274f*x0a;
174 int dst_stridea,
int dst_strideb,
175 int src_stridea,
int src_strideb)
179 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
180 const float x00 = src[ 0*src_stridea] + src[15*src_stridea];
181 const float x01 = src[ 1*src_stridea] + src[14*src_stridea];
182 const float x02 = src[ 2*src_stridea] + src[13*src_stridea];
183 const float x03 = src[ 3*src_stridea] + src[12*src_stridea];
184 const float x04 = src[ 4*src_stridea] + src[11*src_stridea];
185 const float x05 = src[ 5*src_stridea] + src[10*src_stridea];
186 const float x06 = src[ 6*src_stridea] + src[ 9*src_stridea];
187 const float x07 = src[ 7*src_stridea] + src[ 8*src_stridea];
188 const float x08 = src[ 0*src_stridea] - src[15*src_stridea];
189 const float x09 = src[ 1*src_stridea] - src[14*src_stridea];
190 const float x0a = src[ 2*src_stridea] - src[13*src_stridea];
191 const float x0b = src[ 3*src_stridea] - src[12*src_stridea];
192 const float x0c = src[ 4*src_stridea] - src[11*src_stridea];
193 const float x0d = src[ 5*src_stridea] - src[10*src_stridea];
194 const float x0e = src[ 6*src_stridea] - src[ 9*src_stridea];
195 const float x0f = src[ 7*src_stridea] - src[ 8*src_stridea];
196 const float x10 = x00 + x07;
197 const float x11 = x01 + x06;
198 const float x12 = x02 + x05;
199 const float x13 = x03 + x04;
200 const float x14 = x00 - x07;
201 const float x15 = x01 - x06;
202 const float x16 = x02 - x05;
203 const float x17 = x03 - x04;
204 const float x18 = x10 + x13;
205 const float x19 = x11 + x12;
206 const float x1a = x10 - x13;
207 const float x1b = x11 - x12;
208 const float x1c = 1.38703984532215f*x14 + 0.275899379282943f*x17;
209 const float x1d = 1.17587560241936f*x15 + 0.785694958387102f*x16;
210 const float x1e = -0.785694958387102f*x15 + 1.17587560241936f *x16;
211 const float x1f = 0.275899379282943f*x14 - 1.38703984532215f *x17;
212 const float x20 = 0.25f * (x1c - x1d);
213 const float x21 = 0.25f * (x1e - x1f);
214 const float x22 = 1.40740373752638f *x08 + 0.138617169199091f*x0f;
215 const float x23 = 1.35331800117435f *x09 + 0.410524527522357f*x0e;
216 const float x24 = 1.24722501298667f *x0a + 0.666655658477747f*x0d;
217 const float x25 = 1.09320186700176f *x0b + 0.897167586342636f*x0c;
218 const float x26 = -0.897167586342636f*x0b + 1.09320186700176f *x0c;
219 const float x27 = 0.666655658477747f*x0a - 1.24722501298667f *x0d;
220 const float x28 = -0.410524527522357f*x09 + 1.35331800117435f *x0e;
221 const float x29 = 0.138617169199091f*x08 - 1.40740373752638f *x0f;
222 const float x2a = x22 + x25;
223 const float x2b = x23 + x24;
224 const float x2c = x22 - x25;
225 const float x2d = x23 - x24;
226 const float x2e = 0.25f * (x2a - x2b);
227 const float x2f = 0.326640741219094f*x2c + 0.135299025036549f*x2d;
228 const float x30 = 0.135299025036549f*x2c - 0.326640741219094f*x2d;
229 const float x31 = x26 + x29;
230 const float x32 = x27 + x28;
231 const float x33 = x26 - x29;
232 const float x34 = x27 - x28;
233 const float x35 = 0.25f * (x31 - x32);
234 const float x36 = 0.326640741219094f*x33 + 0.135299025036549f*x34;
235 const float x37 = 0.135299025036549f*x33 - 0.326640741219094f*x34;
236 dst[ 0*dst_stridea] = 0.25f * (x18 + x19);
237 dst[ 1*dst_stridea] = 0.25f * (x2a + x2b);
238 dst[ 2*dst_stridea] = 0.25f * (x1c + x1d);
239 dst[ 3*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x2f - x37);
240 dst[ 4*dst_stridea] = 0.326640741219094f*x1a + 0.135299025036549f*x1b;
241 dst[ 5*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x2f + x37);
242 dst[ 6*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x20 - x21);
243 dst[ 7*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x2e + x35);
244 dst[ 8*dst_stridea] = 0.25f * (x18 - x19);
245 dst[ 9*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x2e - x35);
246 dst[10*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x20 + x21);
247 dst[11*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x30 - x36);
248 dst[12*dst_stridea] = 0.135299025036549f*x1a - 0.326640741219094f*x1b;
249 dst[13*dst_stridea] = 0.707106781186547f * (x30 + x36);
250 dst[14*dst_stridea] = 0.25f * (x1e + x1f);
251 dst[15*dst_stridea] = 0.25f * (x31 + x32);
258 int dst_stridea,
int dst_strideb,
259 int src_stridea,
int src_strideb,
264 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
265 const float x00 = 1.4142135623731f *src[ 0*src_stridea];
266 const float x01 = 1.40740373752638f *src[ 1*src_stridea] + 0.138617169199091f*src[15*src_stridea];
267 const float x02 = 1.38703984532215f *src[ 2*src_stridea] + 0.275899379282943f*src[14*src_stridea];
268 const float x03 = 1.35331800117435f *src[ 3*src_stridea] + 0.410524527522357f*src[13*src_stridea];
269 const float x04 = 1.30656296487638f *src[ 4*src_stridea] + 0.541196100146197f*src[12*src_stridea];
270 const float x05 = 1.24722501298667f *src[ 5*src_stridea] + 0.666655658477747f*src[11*src_stridea];
271 const float x06 = 1.17587560241936f *src[ 6*src_stridea] + 0.785694958387102f*src[10*src_stridea];
272 const float x07 = 1.09320186700176f *src[ 7*src_stridea] + 0.897167586342636f*src[ 9*src_stridea];
273 const float x08 = 1.4142135623731f *src[ 8*src_stridea];
274 const float x09 = -0.897167586342636f*src[ 7*src_stridea] + 1.09320186700176f*src[ 9*src_stridea];
275 const float x0a = 0.785694958387102f*src[ 6*src_stridea] - 1.17587560241936f*src[10*src_stridea];
276 const float x0b = -0.666655658477747f*src[ 5*src_stridea] + 1.24722501298667f*src[11*src_stridea];
277 const float x0c = 0.541196100146197f*src[ 4*src_stridea] - 1.30656296487638f*src[12*src_stridea];
278 const float x0d = -0.410524527522357f*src[ 3*src_stridea] + 1.35331800117435f*src[13*src_stridea];
279 const float x0e = 0.275899379282943f*src[ 2*src_stridea] - 1.38703984532215f*src[14*src_stridea];
280 const float x0f = -0.138617169199091f*src[ 1*src_stridea] + 1.40740373752638f*src[15*src_stridea];
281 const float x12 = x00 + x08;
282 const float x13 = x01 + x07;
283 const float x14 = x02 + x06;
284 const float x15 = x03 + x05;
285 const float x16 = 1.4142135623731f*x04;
286 const float x17 = x00 - x08;
287 const float x18 = x01 - x07;
288 const float x19 = x02 - x06;
289 const float x1a = x03 - x05;
290 const float x1d = x12 + x16;
291 const float x1e = x13 + x15;
292 const float x1f = 1.4142135623731f*x14;
293 const float x20 = x12 - x16;
294 const float x21 = x13 - x15;
295 const float x22 = 0.25f * (x1d - x1f);
296 const float x23 = 0.25f * (x20 + x21);
297 const float x24 = 0.25f * (x20 - x21);
298 const float x25 = 1.4142135623731f*x17;
299 const float x26 = 1.30656296487638f*x18 + 0.541196100146197f*x1a;
300 const float x27 = 1.4142135623731f*x19;
301 const float x28 = -0.541196100146197f*x18 + 1.30656296487638f*x1a;
302 const float x29 = 0.176776695296637f * (x25 + x27) + 0.25f*x26;
303 const float x2a = 0.25f * (x25 - x27);
304 const float x2b = 0.176776695296637f * (x25 + x27) - 0.25f*x26;
305 const float x2c = 0.353553390593274f*x28;
306 const float x1b = 0.707106781186547f * (x2a - x2c);
307 const float x1c = 0.707106781186547f * (x2a + x2c);
308 const float x2d = 1.4142135623731f*x0c;
309 const float x2e = x0b + x0d;
310 const float x2f = x0a + x0e;
311 const float x30 = x09 + x0f;
312 const float x31 = x09 - x0f;
313 const float x32 = x0a - x0e;
314 const float x33 = x0b - x0d;
315 const float x37 = 1.4142135623731f*x2d;
316 const float x38 = 1.30656296487638f*x2e + 0.541196100146197f*x30;
317 const float x39 = 1.4142135623731f*x2f;
318 const float x3a = -0.541196100146197f*x2e + 1.30656296487638f*x30;
319 const float x3b = 0.176776695296637f * (x37 + x39) + 0.25f*x38;
320 const float x3c = 0.25f * (x37 - x39);
321 const float x3d = 0.176776695296637f * (x37 + x39) - 0.25f*x38;
322 const float x3e = 0.353553390593274f*x3a;
323 const float x34 = 0.707106781186547f * (x3c - x3e);
324 const float x35 = 0.707106781186547f * (x3c + x3e);
325 const float x3f = 1.4142135623731f*x32;
326 const float x40 = x31 + x33;
327 const float x41 = x31 - x33;
328 const float x42 = 0.25f * (x3f + x40);
329 const float x43 = 0.25f * (x3f - x40);
330 const float x44 = 0.353553390593274f*x41;
331 dst[ 0*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 0*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.176776695296637f * (x1d + x1f) + 0.25f*x1e;
332 dst[ 1*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 1*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x29 + x3d);
333 dst[ 2*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 2*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x29 - x3d);
334 dst[ 3*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 3*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x23 - x43);
335 dst[ 4*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 4*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x23 + x43);
336 dst[ 5*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 5*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x1b - x35);
337 dst[ 6*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 6*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x1b + x35);
338 dst[ 7*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 7*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x22 + x44);
339 dst[ 8*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 8*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x22 - x44);
340 dst[ 9*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[ 9*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x1c + x34);
341 dst[10*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[10*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x1c - x34);
342 dst[11*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[11*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x24 + x42);
343 dst[12*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[12*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x24 - x42);
344 dst[13*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[13*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x2b - x3b);
345 dst[14*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[14*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.707106781186547f * (x2b + x3b);
346 dst[15*dst_stridea] = (add ? dst[15*dst_stridea] : 0) + 0.176776695296637f * (x1d + x1f) - 0.25f*x1e;
352 #define DEF_FILTER_FREQ_FUNCS(bsize) \
353 static av_always_inline void filter_freq_##bsize(const float *src, int src_linesize, \
354 float *dst, int dst_linesize, \
355 AVExpr *expr, double *var_values, \
359 DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, float, tmp_block1)[bsize * bsize]; \
360 DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, float, tmp_block2)[bsize * bsize]; \
363 fdct##bsize##_1d(tmp_block1, src, 1, bsize, 1, src_linesize); \
364 fdct##bsize##_1d(tmp_block2, tmp_block1, bsize, 1, bsize, 1); \
366 for (i = 0; i < bsize*bsize; i++) { \
367 float *b = &tmp_block2[i]; \
370 var_values[VAR_C] = fabsf(*b); \
371 *b *= av_expr_eval(expr, var_values, NULL); \
373 if (fabsf(*b) < sigma_th) \
379 idct##bsize##_1d(tmp_block1, tmp_block2, 1, bsize, 1, bsize, 0); \
380 idct##bsize##_1d(dst, tmp_block1, dst_linesize, 1, bsize, 1, 1); \
383 static void filter_freq_sigma_##bsize(DCTdnoizContext *s, \
384 const float *src, int src_linesize, \
385 float *dst, int dst_linesize, int thread_id) \
387 filter_freq_##bsize(src, src_linesize, dst, dst_linesize, NULL, NULL, s->th); \
390 static void filter_freq_expr_##bsize(DCTdnoizContext *s, \
391 const float *src, int src_linesize, \
392 float *dst, int dst_linesize, int thread_id) \
394 filter_freq_##bsize(src, src_linesize, dst, dst_linesize, \
395 s->expr[thread_id], s->var_values[thread_id], 0); \
401 #define DCT3X3_0_0 0.5773502691896258f
402 #define DCT3X3_0_1 0.5773502691896258f
403 #define DCT3X3_0_2 0.5773502691896258f
404 #define DCT3X3_1_0 0.7071067811865475f
405 #define DCT3X3_1_2 -0.7071067811865475f
406 #define DCT3X3_2_0 0.4082482904638631f
407 #define DCT3X3_2_1 -0.8164965809277261f
408 #define DCT3X3_2_2 0.4082482904638631f
416 float *dstp_r = dst[0];
417 float *dstp_g = dst[1];
418 float *dstp_b = dst[2];
421 for (y = 0; y <
h; y++) {
422 for (x = 0; x <
w; x++) {
428 srcp += src_linesize - w * 3;
429 dstp_r += dst_linesize;
430 dstp_g += dst_linesize;
431 dstp_b += dst_linesize;
436 float **
int src_linesize,
441 const float *src_r = src[0];
442 const float *src_g = src[1];
443 const float *src_b = src[2];
446 for (y = 0; y <
h; y++) {
447 for (x = 0; x <
w; x++) {
453 dstp += dst_linesize - w * 3;
454 src_r += src_linesize;
455 src_g += src_linesize;
456 src_b += src_linesize;
460 #define DECLARE_COLOR_FUNCS(name, r, g, b) \
461 static void color_decorrelation_##name(float **dst, int dst_linesize, \
462 const uint8_t **src, int src_linesize, \
465 color_decorrelation(dst, dst_linesize, src, src_linesize, w, h, r, g, b); \
468 static void color_correlation_##name(uint8_t **dst, int dst_linesize, \
469 float **src, int src_linesize, \
472 color_correlation(dst, dst_linesize, src, src_linesize, w, h, r, g, b); \
483 float *dstp_r = dst[0];
484 float *dstp_g = dst[1];
485 float *dstp_b = dst[2];
486 const uint8_t *srcp_r = src[2];
487 const uint8_t *srcp_g = src[0];
488 const uint8_t *srcp_b = src[1];
490 for (y = 0; y <
h; y++) {
491 for (x = 0; x <
w; x++) {
496 srcp_r += src_linesize;
497 srcp_g += src_linesize;
498 srcp_b += src_linesize;
499 dstp_r += dst_linesize;
500 dstp_g += dst_linesize;
501 dstp_b += dst_linesize;
506 float **
int src_linesize,
510 const float *src_r = src[0];
511 const float *src_g = src[1];
512 const float *src_b = src[2];
517 for (y = 0; y <
h; y++) {
518 for (x = 0; x <
w; x++) {
523 dstp_r += dst_linesize;
524 dstp_g += dst_linesize;
525 dstp_b += dst_linesize;
526 src_r += src_linesize;
527 src_g += src_linesize;
528 src_b += src_linesize;
536 int i, x, y, bx, by, linesize, *iweights, max_slice_h, slice_h;
537 const int bsize = 1 << s->
571 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
608 for (by = 0; by <
bsize; by++)
609 for (bx = 0; bx <
bsize; bx++)
610 iweights[(y + by)*linesize + x + bx]++;
613 s->
weights[y*linesize + x] = 1. / iweights[y*linesize + x];
629 "with a block size of %dx%d\n",
671 void *
int jobnr,
int nb_jobs)
678 const int slice_start = (h * jobnr ) / nb_jobs;
679 const int slice_end = (h * (jobnr+1)) / nb_jobs;
680 const int slice_start_ctx =
FFMAX(slice_start - s->
bsize + 1, 0);
681 const int slice_end_ctx =
FFMIN(slice_end, h - s->
bsize + 1);
682 const int slice_h = slice_end_ctx - slice_start_ctx;
687 const float *
src = td->
src + slice_start_ctx * src_linesize;
688 const float *weights = s->
weights + slice_start * dst_linesize;
689 float *slice = s->
692 memset(slice, 0, (slice_h + s->
bsize - 1) * dst_linesize *
695 for (y = 0; y < slice_h; y += s->
step) {
696 for (x = 0; x < w - s->
bsize + 1; x += s->
698 slice + x, slice_linesize,
700 src += s->
step * src_linesize;
701 slice += s->
step * slice_linesize;
705 slice = s->
slices[jobnr] + (slice_start - slice_start_ctx) * slice_linesize;
706 dst = td->
dst + slice_start * dst_linesize;
707 for (y = slice_start; y <
slice_end; y++) {
708 for (x = 0; x <
w; x++)
709 dst[x] = slice[x] * weights[x];
710 slice += slice_linesize;
712 weights += dst_linesize;
742 for (plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++) {
757 const int dst_linesize = out->
758 const int src_linesize = in->
759 const int hpad = (inlink->
w - s->
pr_width) * 3;
767 memcpy(dstp, srcp, hpad);
768 dstp += dst_linesize;
769 srcp += src_linesize;
776 for (y = 0; y < vpad; y++) {
777 memcpy(dstp, srcp, inlink->
w * 3);
778 dstp += dst_linesize;
779 srcp += src_linesize;
795 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
831 .
inputs = dctdnoiz_inputs,
833 .priv_class = &dctdnoiz_class,
static void av_always_inline fdct8_1d(float *dst, const float *src, int dst_stridea, int dst_strideb, int src_stridea, int src_strideb)
#define DECLARE_COLOR_FUNCS(name, r, g, b)
This structure describes decoded (raw) audio or video data.
Something somehow does not look correct.
packed RGB 8:8:8, 24bpp, RGBRGB...
int h
agreed upon image height
static void av_always_inline fdct16_1d(float *dst, const float *src, int dst_stridea, int dst_strideb, int src_stridea, int src_strideb)
int av_expr_parse(AVExpr **expr, const char *s, const char *const *const_names, const char *const *func1_names, double(*const *funcs1)(void *, double), const char *const *func2_names, double(*const *funcs2)(void *, double, double), int log_offset, void *log_ctx)
Parse an expression.
AVFrame * ff_get_video_buffer(AVFilterLink *link, int w, int h)
Request a picture buffer with a specific set of permissions.
static av_always_inline void color_correlation_gbrp(uint8_t **dst, int dst_linesize, float **src, int src_linesize, int w, int h)
void * av_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
Non-inlined equivalent of av_mallocz_array().
Some filters support a generic "enable" expression option that can be used to enable or disable a fil...
BYTE int const BYTE * srcp
static const AVOption dctdnoiz_options[]
const char * name
Pad name.
#define av_assert0(cond)
assert() equivalent, that is always enabled.
static av_always_inline void color_decorrelation(float **dst, int dst_linesize, const uint8_t **src, int src_linesize, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b)
int ff_filter_frame(AVFilterLink *link, AVFrame *frame)
Send a frame of data to the next filter.
static const AVFilterPad dctdnoiz_inputs[]
void(* color_correlation)(uint8_t **dst, int dst_linesize, float **src, int src_linesize, int w, int h)
static int query_formats(AVFilterContext *ctx)
static int filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *in)
double var_values[MAX_THREADS][VAR_VARS_NB]
A filter pad used for either input or output.
A link between two filters.
float * slices[MAX_THREADS]
#define AV_LOG_ERROR
Something went wrong and cannot losslessly be recovered.
static av_cold void uninit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
void av_frame_free(AVFrame **frame)
Free the frame and any dynamically allocated objects in it, e.g.
Return NULL if CONFIG_SMALL is true, otherwise the argument without modification. ...
void * priv
private data for use by the filter
The filter supports multithreading by splitting frames into multiple parts and processing them concur...
#define AV_LOG_DEBUG
Stuff which is only useful for libav* developers.
static av_always_inline void color_correlation(uint8_t **dst, int dst_linesize, float **src, int src_linesize, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b)
simple assert() macros that are a bit more flexible than ISO C assert().
AVExpr * expr[MAX_THREADS]
static const char *const var_names[]
A simple, relatively efficient and slow DCT image denoiser.
int w
agreed upon image width
int ff_filter_get_nb_threads(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Get number of threads for current filter instance.
packed RGB 8:8:8, 24bpp, BGRBGR...
static int filter_slice(AVFilterContext *ctx, void *arg, int jobnr, int nb_jobs)
static const AVFilterPad inputs[]
static const AVFilterPad outputs[]
int format
agreed upon media format
void av_expr_free(AVExpr *e)
Free a parsed expression previously created with av_expr_parse().
int av_frame_is_writable(AVFrame *frame)
Check if the frame data is writable.
int linesize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]
For video, size in bytes of each picture line.
uint8_t pi<< 24) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t,(*(constuint8_t *) pi-0x80)*(1.0f/(1<< 7))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t,(*(constuint8_t *) pi-0x80)*(1.0/(1<< 7))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t,(*(constint16_t *) pi >>8)+0x80) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t,*(constint16_t *) pi *(1.0f/(1<< 15))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t,*(constint16_t *) pi *(1.0/(1<< 15))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t,(*(constint32_t *) pi >>24)+0x80) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t,*(constint32_t *) pi *(1.0f/(1U<< 31))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t,*(constint32_t *) pi *(1.0/(1U<< 31))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, av_clip_uint8(lrintf(*(constfloat *) pi *(1<< 7))+0x80)) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, av_clip_int16(lrintf(*(constfloat *) pi *(1<< 15)))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, av_clipl_int32(llrintf(*(constfloat *) pi *(1U<< 31)))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, av_clip_uint8(lrint(*(constdouble *) pi *(1<< 7))+0x80)) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, av_clip_int16(lrint(*(constdouble *) pi *(1<< 15)))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, av_clipl_int32(llrint(*(constdouble *) pi *(1U<< 31))))#defineSET_CONV_FUNC_GROUP(ofmt, ifmt) staticvoidset_generic_function(AudioConvert *ac){}voidff_audio_convert_free(AudioConvert **ac){if(!*ac) return;ff_dither_free(&(*ac) ->dc);av_freep(ac);}AudioConvert *ff_audio_convert_alloc(AVAudioResampleContext *avr, enumAVSampleFormatout_fmt, enumAVSampleFormatin_fmt, intchannels, intsample_rate, intapply_map){AudioConvert *ac;intin_planar, out_planar;ac=av_mallocz(sizeof(*ac));if(!ac) returnNULL;ac->avr=avr;ac->out_fmt=out_fmt;ac->in_fmt=in_fmt;ac->channels=channels;ac->apply_map=apply_map;if(avr->dither_method!=AV_RESAMPLE_DITHER_NONE &&av_get_packed_sample_fmt(out_fmt)==AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 &&av_get_bytes_per_sample(in_fmt)>2){ac->dc=ff_dither_alloc(avr, out_fmt, in_fmt, channels, sample_rate, apply_map);if(!ac->dc){av_free(ac);returnNULL;}returnac;}in_planar=ff_sample_fmt_is_planar(in_fmt, channels);out_planar=ff_sample_fmt_is_planar(out_fmt, channels);if(in_planar==out_planar){ac->func_type=CONV_FUNC_TYPE_FLAT;ac->planes=in_planar?ac->channels:1;}elseif(in_planar) ac->func_type=CONV_FUNC_TYPE_INTERLEAVE;elseac->func_type=CONV_FUNC_TYPE_DEINTERLEAVE;set_generic_function(ac);if(ARCH_AARCH64) ff_audio_convert_init_aarch64(ac);if(ARCH_ARM) ff_audio_convert_init_arm(ac);if(ARCH_X86) ff_audio_convert_init_x86(ac);returnac;}intff_audio_convert(AudioConvert *ac, AudioData *out, AudioData *in){intuse_generic=1;intlen=in->nb_samples;intp;if(ac->dc){av_log(ac->avr, AV_LOG_TRACE,"%dsamples-audio_convert:%sto%s(dithered)\n", len, av_get_sample_fmt_name(ac->in_fmt), av_get_sample_fmt_name(ac->out_fmt));returnff_convert_dither(ac-> in
void(* color_decorrelation)(float **dst, int dst_linesize, const uint8_t **src, int src_linesize, int w, int h)
Describe the class of an AVClass context structure.
static void av_always_inline idct16_1d(float *dst, const float *src, int dst_stridea, int dst_strideb, int src_stridea, int src_strideb, int add)
#define DEF_FILTER_FREQ_FUNCS(bsize)
const char * name
Filter name.
static av_always_inline void color_decorrelation_gbrp(float **dst, int dst_linesize, const uint8_t **src, int src_linesize, int w, int h)
AVFilterLink ** outputs
array of pointers to output links
static enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmts[]
void(* filter_freq_func)(struct DCTdnoizContext *s, const float *src, int src_linesize, float *dst, int dst_linesize, int thread_id)
AVFilterInternal * internal
An opaque struct for libavfilter internal use.
uint8_t * data[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]
pointer to the picture/channel planes.
avfilter_execute_func * execute
static int slice_end(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *pict)
Handle slice ends.
static const AVFilterPad dctdnoiz_outputs[]
AVFilterContext * dst
dest filter
static int config_input(AVFilterLink *inlink)
#define av_malloc_array(a, b)
static void av_always_inline idct8_1d(float *dst, const float *src, int dst_stridea, int dst_strideb, int src_stridea, int src_strideb, int add)
static av_cold int init(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Pixel format.
int av_frame_copy_props(AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src)
Copy only "metadata" fields from src to dst.
simple arithmetic expression evaluator