Go to the documentation of this file.
30 #define MIN_ELEMENT ' '
31 #define MAX_ELEMENT 0xfe
52 {
"AliceBlue", 0xFFF0F8FF },
53 {
"AntiqueWhite", 0xFFFAEBD7 },
54 {
"Aqua", 0xFF00FFFF },
55 {
"Aquamarine", 0xFF7FFFD4 },
56 {
"Azure", 0xFFF0FFFF },
57 {
"Beige", 0xFFF5F5DC },
58 {
"Bisque", 0xFFFFE4C4 },
59 {
"Black", 0xFF000000 },
60 {
"BlanchedAlmond", 0xFFFFEBCD },
61 {
"Blue", 0xFF0000FF },
62 {
"BlueViolet", 0xFF8A2BE2 },
63 {
"Brown", 0xFFA52A2A },
64 {
"BurlyWood", 0xFFDEB887 },
65 {
"CadetBlue", 0xFF5F9EA0 },
66 {
"Chartreuse", 0xFF7FFF00 },
67 {
"Chocolate", 0xFFD2691E },
68 {
"Coral", 0xFFFF7F50 },
69 {
"CornflowerBlue", 0xFF6495ED },
70 {
"Cornsilk", 0xFFFFF8DC },
71 {
"Crimson", 0xFFDC143C },
72 {
"Cyan", 0xFF00FFFF },
73 {
"DarkBlue", 0xFF00008B },
74 {
"DarkCyan", 0xFF008B8B },
75 {
"DarkGoldenRod", 0xFFB8860B },
76 {
"DarkGray", 0xFFA9A9A9 },
77 {
"DarkGreen", 0xFF006400 },
78 {
"DarkKhaki", 0xFFBDB76B },
79 {
"DarkMagenta", 0xFF8B008B },
80 {
"DarkOliveGreen", 0xFF556B2F },
81 {
"Darkorange", 0xFFFF8C00 },
82 {
"DarkOrchid", 0xFF9932CC },
83 {
"DarkRed", 0xFF8B0000 },
84 {
"DarkSalmon", 0xFFE9967A },
85 {
"DarkSeaGreen", 0xFF8FBC8F },
86 {
"DarkSlateBlue", 0xFF483D8B },
87 {
"DarkSlateGray", 0xFF2F4F4F },
88 {
"DarkTurquoise", 0xFF00CED1 },
89 {
"DarkViolet", 0xFF9400D3 },
90 {
"DeepPink", 0xFFFF1493 },
91 {
"DeepSkyBlue", 0xFF00BFFF },
92 {
"DimGray", 0xFF696969 },
93 {
"DodgerBlue", 0xFF1E90FF },
94 {
"FireBrick", 0xFFB22222 },
95 {
"FloralWhite", 0xFFFFFAF0 },
96 {
"ForestGreen", 0xFF228B22 },
97 {
"Fuchsia", 0xFFFF00FF },
98 {
"Gainsboro", 0xFFDCDCDC },
99 {
"GhostWhite", 0xFFF8F8FF },
100 {
"Gold", 0xFFFFD700 },
101 {
"GoldenRod", 0xFFDAA520 },
102 {
"Gray", 0xFFBEBEBE },
103 {
"Green", 0xFF00FF00 },
104 {
"GreenYellow", 0xFFADFF2F },
105 {
"HoneyDew", 0xFFF0FFF0 },
106 {
"HotPink", 0xFFFF69B4 },
107 {
"IndianRed", 0xFFCD5C5C },
108 {
"Indigo", 0xFF4B0082 },
109 {
"Ivory", 0xFFFFFFF0 },
110 {
"Khaki", 0xFFF0E68C },
111 {
"Lavender", 0xFFE6E6FA },
112 {
"LavenderBlush", 0xFFFFF0F5 },
113 {
"LawnGreen", 0xFF7CFC00 },
114 {
"LemonChiffon", 0xFFFFFACD },
115 {
"LightBlue", 0xFFADD8E6 },
116 {
"LightCoral", 0xFFF08080 },
117 {
"LightCyan", 0xFFE0FFFF },
118 {
"LightGoldenRodYellow", 0xFFFAFAD2 },
119 {
"LightGreen", 0xFF90EE90 },
120 {
"LightGrey", 0xFFD3D3D3 },
121 {
"LightPink", 0xFFFFB6C1 },
122 {
"LightSalmon", 0xFFFFA07A },
123 {
"LightSeaGreen", 0xFF20B2AA },
124 {
"LightSkyBlue", 0xFF87CEFA },
125 {
"LightSlateGray", 0xFF778899 },
126 {
"LightSteelBlue", 0xFFB0C4DE },
127 {
"LightYellow", 0xFFFFFFE0 },
128 {
"Lime", 0xFF00FF00 },
129 {
"LimeGreen", 0xFF32CD32 },
130 {
"Linen", 0xFFFAF0E6 },
131 {
"Magenta", 0xFFFF00FF },
132 {
"Maroon", 0xFFB03060 },
133 {
"MediumAquaMarine", 0xFF66CDAA },
134 {
"MediumBlue", 0xFF0000CD },
135 {
"MediumOrchid", 0xFFBA55D3 },
136 {
"MediumPurple", 0xFF9370D8 },
137 {
"MediumSeaGreen", 0xFF3CB371 },
138 {
"MediumSlateBlue", 0xFF7B68EE },
139 {
"MediumSpringGreen", 0xFF00FA9A },
140 {
"MediumTurquoise", 0xFF48D1CC },
141 {
"MediumVioletRed", 0xFFC71585 },
142 {
"MidnightBlue", 0xFF191970 },
143 {
"MintCream", 0xFFF5FFFA },
144 {
"MistyRose", 0xFFFFE4E1 },
145 {
"Moccasin", 0xFFFFE4B5 },
146 {
"NavajoWhite", 0xFFFFDEAD },
147 {
"Navy", 0xFF000080 },
148 {
"None", 0x00000000 },
149 {
"OldLace", 0xFFFDF5E6 },
150 {
"Olive", 0xFF808000 },
151 {
"OliveDrab", 0xFF6B8E23 },
152 {
"Orange", 0xFFFFA500 },
153 {
"OrangeRed", 0xFFFF4500 },
154 {
"Orchid", 0xFFDA70D6 },
155 {
"PaleGoldenRod", 0xFFEEE8AA },
156 {
"PaleGreen", 0xFF98FB98 },
157 {
"PaleTurquoise", 0xFFAFEEEE },
158 {
"PaleVioletRed", 0xFFD87093 },
159 {
"PapayaWhip", 0xFFFFEFD5 },
160 {
"PeachPuff", 0xFFFFDAB9 },
161 {
"Peru", 0xFFCD853F },
162 {
"Pink", 0xFFFFC0CB },
163 {
"Plum", 0xFFDDA0DD },
164 {
"PowderBlue", 0xFFB0E0E6 },
165 {
"Purple", 0xFFA020F0 },
166 {
"Red", 0xFFFF0000 },
167 {
"RosyBrown", 0xFFBC8F8F },
168 {
"RoyalBlue", 0xFF4169E1 },
169 {
"SaddleBrown", 0xFF8B4513 },
170 {
"Salmon", 0xFFFA8072 },
171 {
"SandyBrown", 0xFFF4A460 },
172 {
"SeaGreen", 0xFF2E8B57 },
173 {
"SeaShell", 0xFFFFF5EE },
174 {
"Sienna", 0xFFA0522D },
175 {
"Silver", 0xFFC0C0C0 },
176 {
"SkyBlue", 0xFF87CEEB },
177 {
"SlateBlue", 0xFF6A5ACD },
178 {
"SlateGray", 0xFF708090 },
179 {
"Snow", 0xFFFFFAFA },
180 {
"SpringGreen", 0xFF00FF7F },
181 {
"SteelBlue", 0xFF4682B4 },
182 {
"Tan", 0xFFD2B48C },
183 {
"Teal", 0xFF008080 },
184 {
"Thistle", 0xFFD8BFD8 },
185 {
"Tomato", 0xFFFF6347 },
186 {
"Turquoise", 0xFF40E0D0 },
187 {
"Violet", 0xFFEE82EE },
188 {
"Wheat", 0xFFF5DEB3 },
189 {
"White", 0xFFFFFFFF },
190 {
"WhiteSmoke", 0xFFF5F5F5 },
191 {
"Yellow", 0xFFFFFF00 },
192 {
"YellowGreen", 0xFF9ACD32 }
197 #define TIMES256(idx) \
198 TIMES64(4 * (idx)) TIMES64(4 * (idx) + 1) TIMES64(4 * (idx) + 2) TIMES64(4 * (idx) + 3)
199 #define TIMES64(idx) \
200 TIMES16(4 * (idx)) TIMES16(4 * (idx) + 1) TIMES16(4 * (idx) + 2) TIMES16(4 * (idx) + 3)
201 #define TIMES16(idx) \
202 TIMES4(4 * (idx)) TIMES4(4 * (idx) + 1) TIMES4(4 * (idx) + 2) TIMES4(4 * (idx) + 3)
203 #define TIMES4(idx) \
204 ENTRY(4 * (idx)) ENTRY(4 * (idx) + 1) ENTRY(4 * (idx) + 2) ENTRY(4 * (idx) + 3)
205 #define ENTRY(x) [x] = ((x) >= 'a' && (x) <= 'f') ? (x) - ('a' - 10) : \
206 ((x) >= 'A' && (x) <= 'F') ? (x) - ('A' - 10) : \
207 ((x) >= '0' && (x) <= '9') ? (x) - '0' : 0,
209 static const uint8_t lut[] = {
222 for (
i = 0;
string &&
i++) {
223 if (
i] ==
'/' &&
i+1] ==
'*') {
225 while (
string &&
i] && (
i] !=
'*' ||
i+1] !=
'/') )
228 }
else if (
i] ==
'/' &&
i+1] ==
'/') {
230 while (
string &&
i] &&
i] !=
'\n' )
233 for (j = 0; reject && reject[j]; j++) {
234 if (
i] == reject[j])
237 if (reject && reject[j])
246 uint32_t
ret = 0xFF000000;
248 char color_name[100];
257 }
else if (
len == 4) {
262 }
else if (
len == 6) {
269 }
else if (
len == 8) {
281 strncpy(color_name, p,
282 color_name[
len] =
284 entry = bsearch(color_name,
300 const uint8_t *p =
303 for (
i = 0;
i < cpp;
i++) {
316 const uint8_t *end, *ptr;
317 int ncolors, cpp,
i, j;
327 memcpy(x->buf, avpkt->
data, avpkt->
328 x->buf[avpkt->
size] = 0;
331 end = x->buf + avpkt->
332 while (end - ptr > 9 && memcmp(ptr,
"/* XPM */", 9))
335 if (end - ptr <= 9) {
341 if (sscanf(ptr,
"\"%u %u %u %u\",",
350 if (cpp <= 0 || cpp >= 5) {
351 av_log(avctx,
"unsupported/invalid number of chars per pixel: %d\n", cpp);
356 for (
i = 0;
i < cpp;
359 if (ncolors <= 0 || ncolors >
size) {
364 if (
size > SIZE_MAX / 4)
383 for (
i = 0;
i < ncolors;
i++) {
384 const uint8_t *
393 ptr = strstr(ptr,
"c ");
400 len = strcspn(ptr,
"\" ");
419 for (j = 0; j < avctx->
width; j++) {
454 .priv_data_size =
it s the only field you need to keep assuming you have a context There is some magic you don t need to care about around this just let it vf default minimum maximum flags name is the option name
static av_cold int xpm_decode_close(AVCodecContext *avctx)
Filter the word “frame” indicates either a video frame or a group of audio as stored in an AVFrame structure Format for each input and each output the list of supported formats For video that means pixel format For audio that means channel sample they are references to shared objects When the negotiation mechanism computes the intersection of the formats supported at each end of a all references to both lists are replaced with a reference to the intersection And when a single format is eventually chosen for a link amongst the remaining all references to the list are updated That means that if a filter requires that its input and output have the same format amongst a supported all it has to do is use a reference to the same list of formats query_formats can leave some formats unset and return AVERROR(EAGAIN) to cause the negotiation mechanism toagain later. That can be used by filters with complex requirements to use the format negotiated on one link to set the formats supported on another. Frame references ownership and permissions
int av_strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b)
Locale-independent case-insensitive compare.
This structure describes decoded (raw) audio or video data.
packed BGRA 8:8:8:8, 32bpp, BGRABGRA...
int ff_set_dimensions(AVCodecContext *s, int width, int height)
Check that the provided frame dimensions are valid and set them on the codec context.
uint8_t * data[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]
pointer to the picture/channel planes.
const FFCodec ff_xpm_decoder
AVCodec p
The public AVCodec.
enum AVDiscard skip_frame
Skip decoding for selected frames.
static int color_table_compare(const void *lhs, const void *rhs)
static int ascii2index(const uint8_t *cpixel, int cpp)
#define AV_LOG_ERROR
Something went wrong and cannot losslessly be recovered.
#define FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(a)
#define FF_CODEC_DECODE_CB(func)
#define CODEC_LONG_NAME(str)
discard all
static size_t mod_strcspn(const char *string, const char *reject)
static int xpm_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *p, int *got_frame, AVPacket *avpkt)
uint32_t rgb_color
RGB values for the color.
static unsigned hex_char_to_number(uint8_t x)
int ff_get_buffer(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *frame, int flags)
Get a buffer for a frame.
#define AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1
Codec uses get_buffer() or get_encode_buffer() for allocating buffers and supports custom allocators.
uint8_t ptrdiff_t const uint8_t ptrdiff_t int intptr_t intptr_t int int16_t * dst
The decoder extracts and fills its parameters even if the frame is skipped due to the skip_frame sett...
#define i(width, name, range_min, range_max)
void av_fast_padded_malloc(void *ptr, unsigned int *size, size_t min_size)
Same behaviour av_fast_malloc but the buffer has additional AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE at the end w...
const char * name
Name of the codec implementation.
enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt
Pixel format, see AV_PIX_FMT_xxx.
static void close(AVCodecParserContext *s)
main external API structure.
This structure stores compressed data.
int width
picture width / height.
int linesize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]
For video, a positive or negative value, which is typically indicating the size in bytes of each pict...
Invalid data found when processing input.
static const ColorEntry color_table[]
const char * name
a string representing the name of the color
static uint32_t color_string_to_rgba(const char *p, size_t len)